Enough Worry of it’s Own

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that a lot of you will relate to me on this. You're busy aren't you? Lately, I feel as if my life has hit high gear. But you know what? That's L.I.F.E. (no, I couldn't think of a catchy acronym for that). But like the human... Continue Reading →

No Matter What

What do you think of your reputation? Do you do anything you can to preserve it? Do you live each day in pursuit of making a name for yourself, bent on succeeding at work, making sure you don't make anyone angry, and ensuring you live a life that others would approve of? It struck me... Continue Reading →

The Joy of the LORD

I have just started reading Nehemiah. The man had a hard life, but one thing that really strikes me, is that even though he was a captive, even though he was taken away from his home and country, even though he was forced to serve in the palace of his captor, he always had a... Continue Reading →

Who to Stand out for?

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Now I'm sure you know that that isn't a verse in the Bible, but it's one of my favorite sayings. It can be applied to your life in different ways, but today I want to talk about pursuing the purpose God has for you, rather than the purpose... Continue Reading →

Just DO It…

I am not one for new years resolutions. If I want to do something, I see no reason for waiting until January 1st to start. But on the rare occasion that I do make a "resolution" it usually has to do with being intentional, or giving myself the last few months of the year to... Continue Reading →

1 Corinthians 10:31

The Lord had been putting on my heart to use this dormant blog for something more. But I really didn't know what. I was talking to my mom one evening, about how I wanted to start blogging more again, and she asked me why. Why was I blogging? And that really got me thinking. Now... Continue Reading →

Week In Review

As promised, I have included the Goose Girl retelling I mentioned last week. I finished it and it was SO. GOOD. I'm also going to do a review of a classic that I am currently listening to. ★★★★★ Anwen looks almost identical to Princess Lavena, something the princess uses to her advantage. She takes every... Continue Reading →

Week in Review

We are still waiting on spring here in Montana, but I feel like it's fast approaching. This week we are supposed to get sun, and reach the fifties!!! (sounds like I'll be able to wash my car finally!) As promised, I have the best Joanna Barker book you'll ever read on review this week, and... Continue Reading →

Week In Review

This week I'll be sharing three books, and two new authors that I am obsessed with! I thought this photo would be appropriate as each book takes place at a grand estate house. 😉 So without further ado, (and without excuses as to why I again missed a week in review 🙂 ) here they... Continue Reading →

Get to know my Bookshelf

I know, I haven't posted my reviews in two weeks. I have been slogging through my math class, and it's brutal. On the bright side though, I have a pretty light math load this week, and I will be able to keep a few extra books on reserve, to beef up the next few weeks... Continue Reading →

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